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2022-04-11 10:55:05热度:139°C
《茶叶科学》(Chaye Kexue)
《茶叶科学》(英文刊名:Journal of Tea Science)于1964年8月经中宣部批准创刊,刊名系朱德委员长题字,中国工程院院士陈宗懋研究员担任编委会主任,中国工程院院士刘仲华教授等专家担任编委会副主任,是茶学界唯一被中国科学引文数据收录为核心区的中文核心期刊,目前也被国内外知名数据库收录(中国知网、万方、维普、中教、EBSCO、Scopus等)。
2022, Vol. 42, No.1
摘要:儿茶素类化合物,主要包括单体儿茶素和聚合态儿茶素,是茶树(Camellia sinensis)多酚主要组成部分,是绿茶“茶味”决定性成分。茶树儿茶素类化合物合成与积累具有显著的组织器官特异性,鲜叶中主要积累单体儿茶素,根中以积累聚合态儿茶素为主。类黄酮代谢途径下游的无色花青素还原酶(LAR)和花青素还原酶(ANR)是决定茶树儿茶素类化合物类型的关键酶类。本文主要综述了茶树儿茶素类化合物合成、积累、转录调控研究进展,重点关注LAR、ANR以及无色花青素双加氧酶(LODX)功能和基因转录调控的最新研究进展,并对儿茶素合成途径待解决问题提出了自己的观点。
关键词:儿茶素, 原花青素, 无色花青素还原酶, 花青素还原酶, 无色花青素双加氧酶
参考引用:刘亚军, 王培强, 蒋晓岚, 庄菊花, 高丽萍, 夏涛. 茶树单体和聚合态儿茶素生物合成的研究进展[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 1-17.
Research Progress on the Biosynthesis of Monomeric and Polymeric Catechins inCamellia sinensis
LIU Yajun, WANG Peiqiang, JIANG Xiaolan, ZHUANG Juhua, GAO Liping, XIA Tao
Abstract:Catechin compounds, mainly including monomeric catechins and polymericcatechins, are the main components of tea polyphenols inCamellia sinensisand the decisive components of the "taste" of green tea. The synthesis and accumulation of tea catechin compounds have remarkable tissue- and organ- specificity. The leaves mainly biosynthesize monomeric catechins, and roots mainly accumulate polymeric catechins. The downstream enzymes of flavonoid metabolism pathway, leucoanthocyanidin reductase (LAR) and anthocyanin reductase (ANR) are the key enzymes determining the types of catechins. This paper mainly reviewed the research progress on the biosynthesis, accumulation, and transcriptional regulation of catechins inCamellia sinensis, with emphasis on the latest research progress in the function and transcriptional regulation of LAR, ANR and leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase (LODX). Our views on the unsolved problems in catechin synthetic pathway were also proposed.
Keywords:catechins, proanthocyanidins, leucoanthocyanidin reductase, anthocyanin reductase, leucoanthocyanidin dioxygenase
Cite this Article:LIU Yajun, WANG Peiqiang, JIANG Xiaolan, ZHUANG Juhua, GAO Liping, XIA Tao. Research Progress on the Biosynthesis of Monomeric and Polymeric Catechins inCamellia sinensis[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 1-17.
摘要:以43份福建野生茶树种质资源为供试材料,通过超高效液相色谱串联质谱(UHPLC-MS/MS)测定其嘌呤生物碱构成,并经描述统计分析及聚类分析后,系统地分析了其特征属性。结果显示,参试资源样的嘌呤生物碱构成差异明显,大致可划归4个具体类群:类群Ⅰ嘌呤生物碱总量及构成接近于常见茶树品种;类群Ⅱ嘌呤生物碱较高,且主要由咖啡碱构成,仅含少量苦茶碱和可可碱;类群Ⅲ嘌呤生物碱较高,且苦茶碱与咖啡碱含量相当,仅含少量可可碱;类群Ⅳ嘌呤生物碱高,且构成以苦茶碱为主,咖啡碱和可可碱都较低。经综合评价后,从中筛得嘌呤生物碱构成较特异资源14份,包括高嘌呤生物碱(>60 mg·g-1)5份,高咖啡碱(>50 mg·g-1)7份,高苦茶碱(>30 mg·g-1)7份。本研究可为茶树的种质资源保护、创新、品种选育及生产利用提供更多种质资源信息和科学依据。
关键词:茶树, 种质资源, 嘌呤生物碱, 苦茶碱, 液质联用
参考引用:陈潇敏,赵峰,王淑燕,邵淑贤,吴文晞,林钦,王鹏杰,叶乃兴. 福建野生茶树资源嘌呤生物碱构成评价及特异资源筛选[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 18-28.
Purine Alkaloid Evaluation and Excellent Resources Screening of Fujian Wild Tea
CHEN Xiaomin, ZHAO Feng, WANG Shuyan, SHAO Shuxian, WU Wenxi, LIN Qin, WANG Pengjie, YE Naixing
Abstract:A total of forty-three wild tea resources in Fujian Province were applied in the research and the contents of purine alkaloids were determined by ultra high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). The descriptive statistical analysis and cluster analysis were carried out to systematically analyze and explore the composition characteristics of purine alkaloids in Fujian wild tea resources. The results show that large variations in the purine alkaloids were identified in tea resources, which could be divided into four specific groups: group Ⅰ with similar contents of purine alkaloids as those in normal tea cultivars, group Ⅱ with higher purine alkaloids especially high caffeine content and low theophylline and theobromine, group Ⅲ with higher purine alkaloids especially high bitter theophylline and theophylline contents, group Ⅳ with high purine alkaloids especially bitter theophylline. After comprehensive evaluation, 14 tea resources with specific purine alkaloid composition were identified, including five germplasm resources with high purine alkaloids (>60 mg·g-1), seven germplasm resources with high caffeine (>50 mg·g-1) and seven germplasm resources with high bitter theophylline (>30 mg·g-1). Through this study, it provided more information and a scientific basis for the protection, innovation, breeding, production and utilization of tea germplasm resources.
Keywords:tea plant, germplasm resources, purine alkaloid, theacrine, liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Cite this Article:CHEN Xiaomin, ZHAO Feng, WANG Shuyan, SHAO Shuxian, WU Wenxi, LIN Qin, WANG Pengjie, YE Naixing. Purine Alkaloid Evaluation and Excellent Resources Screening of Fujian Wild Tea[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 18-28.
关键词:茶树, 超高效液相色谱法, F1分离群体, 代谢物, 遗传变异
参考引用:刘庆帅, 璩馥榕, 魏梦园, 钟红, 王熠, 陈亮, 金基强. 基于UPLC技术解析金萱×紫娟F1分离群体代谢物的遗传变异[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 29-40.
The Genetic Variation of the Chemical Components of the ‘Jinxuan’ × ‘Zijuan’ F1Segregating Population Based on UPLC
LIU Qingshuai, QU Furong,WEI Mengyuan, ZHONG Hong, WANG Yi, CHEN Liang, JIN Jiqiang
Abstract:In order to innovate new germplasms with high methylated catechins, a F1 segregating population was constructed with ‘Jinxuan and ‘Zijuan as parents. At the same time, an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography method was established to analyze the metabolite content and genetic variation of individual plants in the population. Our study found that most metabolites conformed to the normal and slightly steep distribution. The coefficient of variations were between 20% and 30%. There was a clear heterosis and several individual plants rich in methylated catechins were selected from the population. It also found that the contents of most metabolites in autumn were higher than those in spring, and the amount of total catechins decreased with the purple degree of leaves. The UPLC technology established in this study would provide a more efficient determination method for the future identification and screening of elite tea germplasms and breeding materials. The genetic variation of the chemical components of the ‘Jinxuan בZijuan F1 segregating population identified in this study also provided an important foundation for the high functional component breeding and discovery of genes governing traits through forward genetics.
Keywords:tea, ultra high performance liquid chromatography, F1 population, metabolites, genetic variation
Cite this Article:LIU Qingshuai, QU Furong,WEI Mengyuan, ZHONG Hong, WANG Yi, CHEN Liang, JIN Jiqiang.The Genetic Variation of the Chemical Components of the ‘Jinxuan’ × ‘Zijuan’ F1Segregating Population Based on UPLC[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 29-40.
刘玉飞, 庞丹丹, 李友勇, 蒋会兵, 田易萍, 孙云南, 陈林波
摘要:苦茶是我国特异的茶树资源,主要分布于西南地区,富含苦茶碱(1,3,7,9-四甲基尿酸)。苦茶碱具有镇静、催眠和抗抑郁等多种生理活性,其合成关键基因(苦茶碱合成酶基因)已经得到克隆和研究,但是苦茶碱代谢调控机制的研究鲜有报道。为了挖掘与苦茶碱代谢调控相关的转录因子,本研究以高苦茶碱(GKC)、低苦茶碱(LKC)茶树品种以及常规茶树品种(YK10)为研究对象,通过HPLC和RNA-seq分别就样品的嘌呤生物碱含量和基因表达情况进行分析,并通过荧光定量PCR验证了转录组数据的可靠性。结果表明,GKC和LKC的苦茶碱含量分别为21.82 mg·g-1和14.70 mg·g-1,而YK10中检测不到苦茶碱,另外,GKC和LKC的咖啡碱含量均低于15.00 mg·g-1;通过RNA-seq方法,获得了3 948个GKC vs YK10和LKC vs YK10共同的且表达趋势一致的差异基因,这些差异基因是分属29个家族的96个转录因子,通过分析最终确定30个候选转录因子,尤其是属于NAC和HD-ZIP转录因子家族的CSS、CSS、CSS、novel.16084和CSS等转录因子可能是参与苦茶碱代谢调控的关键基因。
关键词:苦茶, 苦茶碱, RNA测序, 转录因子
参考引用:刘玉飞, 庞丹丹, 李友勇, 蒋会兵, 田易萍, 孙云南, 陈林波. 苦茶碱代谢关键转录因子基因的筛选鉴定[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 41-50.
The Screening and Identification of Key Transcription Factor Genes for Theacrine Metabolism
YAN Minghui, LIU Ke, WANG Man, LYU Ying, ZHANG Qian
Abstract:Kucha is a unique tea resource rich in theacrine (1,3,7,9-tetramethyluric acid) in southwest China. Theacrine has a variety of physiological activities such as sedation, hypnosis and antidepressant. Theacrine synthesis enzyme, the key gene for theacrine biosynthesis, had been cloned and studied. However, there were few reports on the regulation mechanism of theacrine metabolism. In order to obtain the transcription factors related to theacrine metabolism, kucha (GKC and LKC) and normal tea cultivar (YK10) were used as research materials. Purine alkaloid content and related gene expressions in the samples were detected by HPLC and RNA-seq, respectively. And the reliability of the transcriptome data were verified by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The results show that the contents of theacrine in GKC and LKC were 21.82 mg·g-1 and 14.70 mg·g-1, respectively, while the content of theacrine in YK10 was not detected. In addition, the caffeine contents of GKC and LKC were both lower than 15.00 mg·g-1. Based on RNA-seq, 3 948 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) had the consistent expression trends in GKC vs YK10 and LKC vs YK10. These DEGs included 96 transcription factors belonging to 29 families. Among them, 30 candidate transcription factors might be the key genes involved in the regulation of theacrine metabolism, especially NAC and HD-ZIP family transcription factors such asCSS,CSS,CSS,novel.16084andCSS.
Keywords:Kucha, theacrine, RNA-seq, transcription factor
Cite this Article:LIU Yufei, PANG Dandan, LI Youyong, JIANG Huibing, TIAN Yiping, SUN Yunnan, CHEN Linbo. The Screening and Identification of Key Transcription Factor Genes for Theacrine Metabolism[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 41-50.
马冰凇, 王佳菜, 徐成成, 任小盈, 马存强, 周斌星
关键词:普洱茶(生茶), 仓储陈化, 抗氧化, 儿茶素
参考引用:马冰凇, 王佳菜, 徐成成, 任小盈, 马存强, 周斌星. 不同仓储期普洱茶(生茶)中酚类成分差异及其对体外抗氧化能力的影响[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 51-62.
Differences of Phenolic Components in Puer Raw Tea with Various Storage Periods and Their Effects on thein vitroAntioxidant Capacities
MA Bingsong, WANG Jiacai, XU Chengcheng, REN Xiaoying, MA Cunqiang, ZHOU Binxing
Abstract:To explore the changes of phenolic compounds and other quality components and their influences on antioxidant abilities during the storage and aging of puer tea, contents of 17 phenolic compounds, 3 purine alkaloids and other quality components in 18 puer tea samples of 6 series with 3 different storage periods were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and other methods. Additionally,in vitroantioxidant abilities including ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), DPPH scavenging ability (DPPH), ABTS free radical scavenging capacity (ABTS), hydroxyl radical scavenging ability (HSA) and superoxide anion radical scavenging ability (SSA) were determined in all puer raw teas. Combined with sensory evaluation results, multivariate statistical analyses including principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least square-discriminate analysis (OPLS-DA) were used to realize the discrimination between new and aged tea during the storage. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed 7 catechins were highly significantly (PP
Keywords:puer raw tea, storage and aging, antioxidants, catechins
Cite this Article:MA Bingsong, WANG Jiacai, XU Chengcheng, REN Xiaoying, MA Cunqiang, ZHOU Binxing. Differences of Phenolic Components in Puer Raw Tea with Various Storage Periods and Their Effects on thein vitroAntioxidant Capacities[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 51-62.
代昕玥, 葛炳钢, 张旭雯, 刘文武, 段继春, 傅冬和
摘要:为探究茯砖茶能否通过调节肠道微生物群改善2型糖尿病(T2DM)的代谢紊乱,建立T2DM小鼠模型,给予400 mg·kg-1茯砖茶水提取物灌胃干预,观测T2DM小鼠的饮食量、饮水量、空腹体重、空腹血糖、糖耐量等日常指标,血清中胰岛素(INS)、总胆汁酸(TBA)、总胆固醇(TC)、总甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)、白介素-1β(IL-1β)、肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)水平,以及胰腺、回肠的病理学变化,并对小鼠粪便进行了肠道菌群16 S rRNA测序。结果显示,茯砖茶显著改善了小鼠的糖脂代谢紊乱和炎症,明显修复了T2DM导致的胰腺和回肠损伤。茯砖茶能显著降低T2DM引起的疣微菌门相对丰度异常增加,恢复肠道微生物群多样性。茯砖茶能增加肠道厚壁菌门、Eubacterium_coprostanoligenes_group、肠杆菌属、Acetatifactor、双歧杆菌属、Prevotella_9、Faecalibacterium、A2、Coriobacteriaceae及Eggerthellaceae等有益菌,说明茯砖茶可通过增加肠道有益菌群,调节肠道菌群失调,进而改善T2DM的代谢紊乱。
关键词:茯砖茶, 2型糖尿病, 肠道菌群
参考引用:代昕玥, 葛炳钢, 张旭雯, 刘文武, 段继春, 傅冬和. 茯砖茶改善2型糖尿病小鼠代谢紊乱的效果研究[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 63-75.
Effect of Fu Brick Tea on Improving Metabolic Disorders in Type 2 Diabetes Mice
DAI Xinyue, GE Binggang, ZHANG Xuwen, LIU Wenwu, DUAN Jichun, FU Donghe
Abstract:To investigate whether Fu brick tea (FBT) water extract can attenuate metabolic disorders in Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) by regulating gut microbiota, a T2DM mouse model was established with streptozocin and 400 mg·kg-1 FBT water extract administration. Diet, and water consumption, body weight, fasting glucose and glucose tolerance in mice were observed. Serum levels of insulin(INS), total bile acid (TBA), total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) were examined. Histopathological changes of ileum and pancreas were also observed. Furthermore, fecal samples were analyzed by 16 S rRNA gene sequencing. The results show that FBT reduced the serum lipid metabolism levels, blood glucose, and inflammatory cytokines. Simultaneously, FBT treatment significantly ameliorated pathological changes in the pancreas and ileum. Moreover, the diversity, structure and composition of T2DM-disrupted gut microbiota were restored by the supplementation of FBT. T2DM-induced increase in the relative abundance ofVerrucomicrobiawas remarkably restored by FBT. FBT increased the growth of many key beneficial bacteria, includingFirmicutes, Bifidobacterium,Enterorhabdus,Prevotella_9,A2,Acetatifactor,Eubacterium_coprostanoligenes_group,Faecalibacterium,CoriobacteriaceaeandEggerthellaceae. Collectively, the study showed that FBT might alleviate dysbacteriosis and metabolic disorders in T2DM by increasing beneficial flora.
Keywords:Fu brick tea, type 2 diabetes mellitus, gut microbiota
Cite this Article:DAI Xinyue, GE Binggang, ZHANG Xuwen, LIU Wenwu, DUAN Jichun, FU Donghe. Effect of Fu Brick Tea on Improving Metabolic Disorders in Type 2 Diabetes Mice[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 63-75.
周少锋, 乾云菲, 赵真, 陈暄, 黎星辉
关键词:茶, 发酵, 茶垢, 茶多酚
参考引用:周少锋, 乾云菲, 赵真, 陈暄, 黎星辉. 不同发酵程度茶叶对茶垢形成的影响[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 76-86.
Effect of the Tea with Different Degrees of Fermentation on the Formation of Tea Scum
ZHOU Shaofeng, QIAN Yunfei, ZHAO Zhen, CHEN Xuan, LI Xinghui
Abstract:This study used tap water to infuse tea with different degrees of fermentation: green, yellow, oolong and black tea. The mass, FTIR, MALDI-TOF-MS and SEM-EDS of these tea scums were analyzed, respectively. The results show that the amount of black tea scum was significantly less than that of the others, while there was no significant difference in the amount of tea scum among green, yellow and oolong tea. The FTIR of different tea scums were similar, and they all contained functional groups such as -OH, -C=O, benzene ring and -COC-. The relative molecular mass of main components of different scums were same, which were all 454.8. SEM-EDS indicates that tea scum showed an appearance of cracked shape, and it mainly consisted of organic elements C, O and inorganic elements Ca, K, Mg, Si. In addition, the biochemical compositions of 4 kinds of tea infusions were analyzed, and it was found that the amount of tea scum was positively correlated with the total tea polyphenols. This study also infused tea polyphenols powder with tap water, and compared the scum with green tea scum. The results further confirmed that the tea scum was mainly composed of organic tea polyphenols and inorganic elements.
Keywords:tea, fermentation, tea scum, tea polyphenols
Cite this Article:ZHOU Shaofeng, QIAN Yunfei, ZHAO Zhen, CHEN Xuan, LI Xinghui. Effect of the Tea with Different Degrees of Fermentation on the Formation of Tea Scum[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 76-86.
朱咏珊, 罗晓欣, 梁浩然, 陈正桐, 刘成, 曹凯, 刘少群, 周而勋, 舒灿伟, 郑鹏
关键词:茶树炭疽菌, 解淀粉芽孢杆菌, 抑菌作用, 生物防治
参考引用:朱咏珊, 罗晓欣, 梁浩然, 陈正桐, 刘成, 曹凯, 刘少群, 周而勋, 舒灿伟, 郑鹏. 一株茶树根际细菌的鉴定与生防效果研究[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 87-100.
Identification of a Tea Rhizosphere Bacterium and its Biocontrol of Tea Anthracnose Disease
ZHU Yongshan, LUO Xiaoxin, LIANG Haoran, CHEN Zhengtong, LIU Cheng, CAO Kai, LIU Shaoqun, ZHOU Erxun, SHU Canwei, ZHENG Peng
Abstract:Tea anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) is one of the most important fungal diseases ofCamellia sinensisworldwide, which causes serious damage to tea growth and production. The control of tea anthracnose is mainly dependent on chemical fungicides. To promote green prevention and control in tea plantation, development of biocontrol agents is critically important. A bacterium named JT68 isolated from tea rhizosphere was identified based on physiological and biochemical analysis and PCR. The inhibition effects of fermented broth JT68 on confrontation culture, mycelia growth and spores germination were determined. The effect of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of JT68 was tested and the components were identified by GC-MS. The control effect of JT68 was determined using detached leaf method. The results of this study shows that the strain JT68 was identified asBacillus amyloliquefaciens. Plate confrontation shows that the inhibition rate of fermentation broth of JT68 againstC. gloeosporioideswas 80.94%. Co-culture shows that the inhibition rate of spore germination ofC. gloeosporioideswas 99.18%, and the mycelia of pathogen shrank and formed chlamydospores. The VOCs of JT68 could inhibit 50.73% mycelia growth ofC. gloeosporioides. Ketones such as 2-Nonanone and 2-Undecanone were revealed as major components in VOC through GC-MS analysis. Leaf detached inoculation shows that the relative inhibition rates of the original fermentation broth, 10-fold, and 100-fold dilutions were 83.20%, 79.70% and 72.66%, respectively. Furthermore, our study found that JT68 strongly inhibited the growth ofMagnaporthe grisea,Fusarium oxysporum,C. capsici,C. higginsianum,Verticillium dahliaandSclerotium rolfsiiwith the inhibition rates of 70.0%- 93.2%. Our study provided a biocontrol agentB. amyloliquefaciensfrom tea rhizosphere, which showed superior biocontrol effect againstC. gloeosporioides. This strain had been applied to develop biofertilizer and widely used in the field, which would reduce the use of chemical fungicide and implement prevention and control in tea plantation.
Keywords:tea anthracnose,Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, inhibition effect, biological control
Cite this Article:ZHU Yongshan, LUO Xiaoxin, LIANG Haoran, CHEN Zhengtong, LIU Cheng, CAO Kai, LIU Shaoqun, ZHOU Erxun, SHU Canwei, ZHENG Peng. Identification of a Tea Rhizosphere Bacterium and its Biocontrol of Tea Anthracnose Disease[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 87-100.
崔少伟, 赵冬香, 张家侠, 商建农, 蔡晓明, 李兆群, 边磊, 修春丽, 付楠霞, 陈宗懋, 罗宗秀
摘要:茶蚕(Andraca bipunctataWalker)是我国一种重要的茶树食叶害虫,严重时其幼虫可将整株茶树的叶片取食殆尽,造成极大危害。本研究对我国茶蚕大陆种群性信息素进行了鉴定,利用正己烷浸提法对求偶高峰期的茶蚕雌虫性信息素进行了提取,利用气相色谱-触角电位联用仪(GC-EAD)筛选性信息素提取物中的活性成分,运用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)对活性成分进行分析,采用触角电位技术(EAG)测试了性信息素成分的电生理活性,并通过田间诱捕试验筛选出性信息素最佳剂量,最后利用性信息素对海南五指山地区的茶蚕种群进行了监测。GC-EAD结果显示,茶蚕性信息素提取物中只有1种成分可引起雄虫的触角电位反应。GC-MS分析结果初步确定该活性成分为顺11,顺14-十八碳醛(E11,E14-18Ald)。EAG测试和田间引诱试验验证了性信息素鉴定结果,田间诱捕数据显示不同剂量的性信息素在田间的引诱效果不同,当剂量为0.9 mg时,田间引诱效果最佳。虫口监测结果表明,茶蚕性信息素是一种理想的虫口监测方法,利用该方法明确海南五指山地区5—10月共有两代茶蚕,成虫高峰期为6月17日和8月27日。本研究结果为我国茶叶主产区利用性信息素进行诱杀防治或虫口监测提供了理论依据。
关键词:茶蚕, 性信息素, 鉴定, 虫口监测
参考引用:崔少伟, 赵冬香, 张家侠, 商建农, 蔡晓明, 李兆群, 边磊, 修春丽, 付楠霞, 陈宗懋, 罗宗秀. 茶蚕大陆种群性信息素鉴定与虫口监测应用[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 101-108.
Sex Pheromone ofAndraca bipunctataMainland Population in China: Identification and Population Monitoring
CUI Shaowei, ZHAO Dongxiang, ZHANG Jiaxia, SHANG Jiannong, CAI Xiaoming, LI Zhaoqun, BIAN Lei, XIU Chunli, FU Nanxia, CHEN Zongmao, LUO Zongxiu
Abstract:Andraca bipunctataWalker is a severe defoliator species in Chinese tea plantation. The larvae ofA. bipunctatacan eat all the tea leaves in case of severe attack, and cause a significant damage. In this study, the sex pheromone of mainland population was identified. The crude pheromone was extracted from abdominal tips of virgin females byn-hexane during their courtship peak period. The extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The electrophysiological activity of sex pheromone components was tested by electroantennogram (EAG), and the optimal dose of sex pheromone was determined by the field trapping test. Ultimately, the sex pheromone ofA. bipunctatawas used to monitor the population dynamics in Wuzhishan city of Hainan province. The GC-EAD analyses revealed only one component that elicited responses for the male moth antennae. Based on the mass spectrum, the component was identified asE11,E14-18Ald. The pheromone component was proved to be correctly identified by EAD tests and field trapping results. The data of field trapping show the dose dependent attraction of the pest, with the maximum attractiveness at 0.9 mg sex pheromone loaded on rubber septum lure. The results of population monitoring show that the sex pheromone was a promising tool for monitoring the pest population. It is clear that there were two generations ofA. bipunctatain Wuzhishan city of Hainan Province from May to October, and the peak emergence of adult were 17 June and 27 August respectively. The results of this study provided a theoretical basis for the application of sex pheromones for attracting and killing or monitoring pest population in the main tea producing areas of China.
Keywords:Andraca bipunctata, sex pheromone, identification, population monitoring
Cite this Article:CUI Shaowei, ZHAO Dongxiang, ZHANG Jiaxia, SHANG Jiannong, CAI Xiaoming, LI Zhaoqun, BIAN Lei, XIU Chunli, FU Nanxia, CHEN Zongmao, LUO Zongxiu. Sex Pheromone ofAndraca bipunctataMainland Population in China: Identification and Population Monitoring[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 101-108.
刘亚男, 刘梦圆, 黄丽蕴, 康志伟, 许永玉, 陈珍珍
关键词:茶园, 昆虫, 优势种, 群落特征, 时间格局
参考引用:刘亚男, 刘梦圆, 黄丽蕴, 康志伟, 许永玉, 陈珍珍. 茶园昆虫群落多样性和时间格局分析[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 109-119.
Analysis of Diversity and Temporal Patterns of the Insect Communities in Tea Gardens
LIU Yanan, LIU Mengyuan, HUANG Liyun, KANG Zhiwei, XU Yongyu, CHEN Zhenzhen
Abstract:In order to clarify the diversity, dominant species and temporal pattern of insect community in tea gardens, the community characteristics of main pests and natural enemies in typical tea gardens in Shandong Province were studied. The classification and statistics of pests and natural enemies were recorded by visual method, yellow plate method, net scanning method and indoor observation method. A total of 27 species of pests (including mites) and 15 species of natural enemies (including spiders) were found. The main dominant pests in tea gardens wereAleurocanthus spiniferus,Matsumurasca onukii,Toxoptera aurantii,Apolygus lucorμmandScirtothrips dorsalis. The main dominant natural enemies wereEretmocerus sp., Aphid flies, ladybirds, green lacewings and spiders. Before overwintering, the species abundance and evenness were high in tea gardens, and the community diversity also maintained a high level. During overwintering, the ecological dominance increased rapidly and the community diversity decreased, indicating that the main factor affecting the community dynamics in tea gardens was temperature. The temporal patterns of the main insect pest and natural enemy communities were divided into four stages by using the optimal sorting method. In the first period, from 9th June to 17th July, the dominant pests wereA. spiniferusandT. aurantia. In the second period, from 25th July to 12nd September, the dominant pests wereA. spiniferusandM. onukii.In the third period, from 20th September to 17th October, the dominant pests wereS. dorsalis,A. spiniferusandM. onukii. In the fourth period, from 27th October to 23rd December, the dominant pests wereM. onukiiandA. lucorμm. The results laid a foundation for guiding the precise prevention and control in tea gardens.
Keywords:tea garden, insect, dominant species, community characteristics, time pattern
Cite this Article:LIU Yanan, LIU Mengyuan, HUANG Liyun, KANG Zhiwei, XU Yongyu, CHEN Zhenzhen. Analysis of Diversity and Temporal Patterns of the Insect Communities in Tea Gardens[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 109-119.
吕昊威, 武传宇, 涂政, 陈建能, 贾江鸣, 陈之威, 叶阳
摘要:针对目前机采茶鲜叶分级设备存在的分级效率低、对鲜叶损伤大等问题。以振动式机采茶鲜叶分级机为试验对象,提出了一种茶鲜叶粘弹性物料建模方法,并以振动频率、振动方向角、振幅为自变量,以筛分率、优质茶筛分率为目标优化值,基于EDEM软件对其进行仿真试验,运用响应面优化法得到优化参数为振动频率29.0 Hz、振幅9.0 mm、振动方向角34.7°。在此参数下,仿真试验得到的筛分率为75.38%,优质茶筛分率为95.65%。根据最优参数组合开展仿真与样机验证试验,结果表明,样机验证试验得到的筛分率为71.07%,优质茶筛分率为93.26%。结合仿真试验和样机试验结果,筛分率的准确性达到93.9%,而优质茶筛分率的准确性达到97.4%。基于响应面分析法的仿真优化参数具有较高的可靠性,在此最优参数下,分级机具有较好的分级效果。本研究可以为机采茶鲜叶分级设备的优化提供参考。
关键词:机采茶鲜叶, 振动分级机, 鲜叶物料建模, 响应面优化
参考引用:吕昊威, 武传宇, 涂政, 陈建能, 贾江鸣, 陈之威, 叶阳. 基于EDEM的机采茶鲜叶振动式分级机分级参数优化[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 120-130.
EDEM-based Optimization of Classification Parameters of Machine-picked Tea Fresh Leaf Vibratory Classifier
LYU Haowei, WU Chuanyu, TU Zheng, CHEN Jianneng, JIA Jiangming, CHEN Zhiwei, YE Yang
Abstract:In view of the low grading efficiency and large damage to fresh leaves of the current machine-picked tea fresh leaf grading equipment, a vibrating machine-picking fresh tea leaf classifier was used in this study as the test object, and a new tea leaf viscoelastic material modeling method was proposed. The vibration frequency, vibration direction angle, and amplitude were used as independent variables. The sieving rate and famous tea sieving rate were used as target optimization values. The simulation test was carried out based on the EDEM software. Using the response surface optimization method, the optimized parameters were obtained as the vibration frequency of 29.0 Hz, the amplitude of 9.0 mm, and the vibration direction angle of 34.7°. Under this parameter, the sieving rate obtained by the simulation test was 75.38%, and the sieving rate of famous tea was 95.65%. According to the optimal parameter combination, the simulation and prototype verification test were carried out, and the results show that the sieving rate obtained by the prototype verification test was 71.07%, and the sieving rate of famous tea was 93.26%. Combining the simulation test and prototype test results, the accuracy of the screening rate reached 93.9%, and the accuracy of the screening rate of famous tea reached 97.4%. The simulation optimization parameters based on response surface analysis had high reliability. Under this optimal parameter, the classifier had a better classification effect. This study provided a reference for the optimization of machine-picked tea fresh leaf grading equipment.
Keywords:machine-picked fresh tea leaves, vibration classifier, fresh leaves material modeling, response surface optimization
Cite this Article:LYU Haowei, WU Chuanyu, TU Zheng, CHEN Jianneng, JIA Jiangming, CHEN Zhiwei, YE Yang. EDEM-based Optimization of Classification Parameters of Machine-picked Tea Fresh Leaf Vibratory Classifier[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 120-130.
周宇飞, 周琳, 禹利君, 徐帅, 杨益欢
摘要:为把握茶黄素研究的进展和热点,客观反映不同国家、作者、研究机构以及期刊在该领域的影响力,本研究运用文献计量学和CiteSpace可视化分析软件,对1964—2021年被WOS(Web of Science)数据库收录的725篇和被CNKI(China National Knowledge Infrastructure,中国知网)数据库收录的391篇茶黄素(Theaflavin/Theaflavins,TF/TFs)文献进行分析。结果表明,研究报道茶黄素最多的国家依次为中国、印度、美国和日本;日本长崎大学的Tanaka研究最为深入;与茶黄素类相关的儿茶素氧化产物研究报道最多;刘仲华、江和源、屠幼英是国内茶黄素研究的引领者;《茶叶科学》和《Food Science Technology》是茶黄素发文量最高的期刊;关键词分析显示中文文献研究侧重于茶黄素的制备分离和其对红茶品质的影响,英文文献侧重于茶黄素的药理研究,且茶黄素的制备分离及其药理功效仍为未来研究的热点。
关键词:茶黄素, CiteSpace, 研究热点, WOS, 中国知网, 可视化
参考引用:周宇飞, 周琳, 禹利君, 徐帅, 杨益欢. 基于CiteSpace的茶黄素研究现状可视化分析[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 131-139.
Visualization Analysis in Research Status of Theaflavins Based on CiteSpace
ZHOU Yufei, ZHOU Lin, YU Lijun, XU Shuai, YANG Yihuan
Abstract:Aiming to grasp the progress and hotspots of theaflavin research and objectively reflect the influence of different countries, authors, research institutions and journals in this field, bibliometrics and CiteSpace.5.7.R5W visualization analysis software were used in this study to analyze 725 and 391 Theaflavin/Theaflavins (TF/TFs) literatures collected by Web of Science (WOS) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) from 1964 to 2021. It was found that China, India, the United States and Japan were the countries with the most research on theaflavin. Tanaka of Nagasaki University in Japan had the most researches. The catechin oxidation products related to theaflavins had been reported the most. Liu Zhonghua, Jiang Heyuan and Tu Youying were the leaders of theaflavins research in China.Food Science TechnologyandJournal of Tea Sciencewere the English and Chinese journals with the highest publication volume of theaflavin. Keyword analysis showed that Chinese literature mainly focused on the preparation and separation of theaflavins and their effects on the quality of black tea. English literature focused on the pharmacological research of theaflavins, and the preparation and pharmacological effects of theaflavins were still the research hotspots in the future.
Keywords:theaflavins, CiteSpace, research hotspot, Web of Science, CNKI, visualization
Cite this Article:ZHOU Yufei, ZHOU Lin, YU Lijun, XU Shuai, YANG Yihuan. Visualization Analysis in Research Status of Theaflavins Based on CiteSpace[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 131-139.
何文丽, 潘杉, 管曦
关键词:可追溯茶叶产品, 消费者认知, 信任, 购买意愿
参考引用:何文丽, 潘杉, 管曦. 可追溯茶叶产品的认知、信任与购买意愿研究[J]. 茶叶科学, 2022, 42(1): 140-150.
Research on the Impact of Consumer Cognition and Trust on Purchase Intention of Traceable Tea Products
HE Wenli, PAN Shan, GUAN Xi
Abstract:Based on the survey data of 646 consumers, this paper analyzed the impact of consumers cognition, trust and purchase intention on the traceable tea products by using structural equation model. The results show that consumers cognition of the traceable tea products had a significantly positive impact on trust and trust had a significantly positive impact on their purchase intention. However, their cognition had a positive effect on purchase intention, but it was not significant. At the same time, trust played a mediating role in the relationship between cognition and purchase intention. Based on the empirical results, the government and tea enterprises should pay more attention to the promotion and guidance of the traceable tea products, enhance consumers cognition and trust of the traceable tea products, so as to enhance consumers purchase intention of the traceable tea products.
Keywords:traceable tea product, consumer cognition, trust, purchase intention
Cite this Article:HE Wenli, PAN Shan, GUAN Xi. Research on the Impact of Consumer Cognition and Trust on Purchase Intention of Traceable Tea Products[J]. Journal of Tea Science, 2022, 42(1): 140-150.
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