
2022-04-04 08:40:39热度:134°C


自从美国疫情爆发在家隔离避难以来,电子商务的发展史无前例。“我们已经看到杂货店和在线商店的家用茶消费量猛增。”GS Haly Tea Company的行销总监Mo Sardella表示:“我们拥有完善的在线业务,针对客户销售,表现非常出色。仅在4月份,Sardella的客户的在线销售就增长了100%至300%。”

E-commerce is growing as never before for tea since the onset of shelter-in-place in the U.S. “We have seen a huge spike in home tea consumption via grocery and online outlets. Our customers with a well-established online presence are doing exceedingly well,” says Mo Sardella, director of marketing at the GS Haly Tea Company. Sardella’s customers saw between a 100% to 300% increase in online sales in April alone.

国际茶叶进口商首席执行官比安卡·沙(Bianca Shah)表示同意。“我们已经看到,当然,实体店的销售量下降了,但是与COVID-19开始之前的几个月相比,我们许多客户的在线销售量猛增了150%。看到这一点很有趣,与此同时,对于那些多年来没有接受网购的客户来说,这有点令人担忧。”

Bianca Shah, CEO of International Tea Importers, agrees. “We’ve seen that of course brick and mortar location sales are down, but many of our customers’ online sales have shot up as much as 150% from months prior to the start of COVID-19. It’s interesting to see this, at the same time it’s a bit worrisome for those customers who have not, for lack of better words, embraced technology over the years.”



Brewed tea, a $52 billion global market, is the second most widely consumed beverage in the world after water. Specialty and herbal teas had been experiencing strong year on year growth in recent years, riding general health trends in the United States. Specialty tea represents 20% of the US market, according to the Tea Association of the U.S.A. Prior to COVID-19, online tea sales were forecasted to be the fastest growing channel in tea, and the trend has accelerated in recent months.

Tea Spot首席执行官”Maria Uspenski说:“我们在直接面向消费者的业务中经历了显着增长,在这段时间,所有在线业务都由客户居家消费,显而易见。” “最重要的是,我确实认为,事实证明茶是一种大众相对负担得起的饮料,既可以保护健康又可以促进神经镇静,因此茶和保健行业的增长,还将会有所增长,这是我们目前都渴望看到的事情。从这个角度来看,我们发现绿茶,抗病毒的普洱茶和功能性凉茶(例如可促进睡眠的茶)的销量巨幅增长。”

“We have experienced a significant uptick in our direct-to-consumer business, as all online businesses have seen in this time of shelter-at-home,” says Maria Uspenski, CEO of The Tea Spot. “On top of that, I do think the tea and wellness industries have experienced an additional increase due to the fact that tea is a relatively affordable beverage that both supports health and promotes calm, which are things we are all craving at this time. On this note, we have seen a disproportionate increase in green tea sales, anti-viral pu’erh teas, and functional herbal teas, such as teas to promote good sleep.”



As the velocity of e-commerce sales increases during shelter-in-place, much remains to be seen. Some in the tea industry wonder if this is just a short term bump in specialty tea sales, with consumers downgrading to commodity grade tea if the crisis continues. 

“人们现在正在消费,同时政府仍在刺激经济和努力降低失业率,虽然今年秋天等待我们的事情可能并不美好。从事茶叶行业的最大好处是,我们拥有一种被认为具有健康、增强免疫力、缓解压力的产品,即使在高端食品中,每份精品茶仍然非常实惠。” Uspenski告诉我。“乌云背后总有一线希望,但要生产哪种形式和类型的茶,能被大众喜爱,也很难预测。”

“People are spending now, while stimulus and unemployment checks are still coming in, but what awaits us in the fall and for holiday 2020 can’t possibly be pretty. The saving grace of being in the tea industry is that we have a product that’s perceived as healthy, immune-boosting, stress-relieving, and is still very affordable per serving, even at the premium end,” Uspenski tells me. “Even with the silver lining of being in a somewhat recession-proof niche, it’s very difficult to forecast which formats and types of teas to produce.”


Online retail was up 68% in April year-over-year 2020 compared to the same period in 2019. If specialty tea purveyors can succeed in capturing a new audience, or their existing consumers in a deeper way, perhaps the tea industry will experience the renaissance of third-wave coffee.


Sardella hopes so. “I have been really impressed by how adaptive a lot of the tea industry is. Many of my customers have been able to create online infrastructures, and quickly. There is also an opportunity for a conversation to really take hold for consumers with a more captive audience. I am optimistic, which is hard to say in times of distress. The tea industry has always struggled with identity, between commodity and specialty tea. This is an opportunity for tea people to understand what their purpose is. We have a good opportunity to rebuild.”

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