推荐茶叶的 英语作文:英语作文:假如你的家长因绿茶(green tea)而闻名。 1.茶叶的种植情况及

2020-11-07 05:14:13热度:253°C

英语作文:假如你的家长因绿茶(green tea)而闻名。 1.茶叶的种植情况及

and Scenic tour of Dalian.at last we can exchange experience in learning English yoursJessie


Pu-erh .Some is cheap while some is expensive.Tea is profound know knowledge in China even all over the world.在中国,茶的地位等同于西方国家的咖啡。大多数中国人都喜欢喝茶。它有益于人体健康。茶除了有一种特别的味道之外,滋润口腔等等功能。茶的种类繁多。常见的有铁观音,普洱。茶有贵贱之分。茶在中国乃至全世界都是一门高深的学问。


说实话百度复制来的咱么这本事 Tea in China is as important as coffee in the western countries. Most chinese enjoy drinking tea. It do good to peaple healthy. As we all know tea has a spacial taste。Pu-erh .Some is cheap while some is expensive.Tea is profound know knowledge in China even all over the world.在中国,茶的地位等同于西方国家的咖啡。大多数中国人都喜欢喝茶。

求帮写英语作文 大致意思如下 我的家乡安徽是一个美丽的地方 它因为茶叶而出名 中国十大名茶安

茶来自中国,中国人种茶饮茶已有4000多年的历史了。说到茶的种类,种类真是多啊,特别是龙井茶享誉世界。喝茶用的茶杯,茶壶一般是用陶瓷做的。喝茶可以在很多地方喝,像餐馆、家里、上班休息的时候。但在茶馆喝是最有意境的。喝茶还有很多好处,像有利于健康,醒脑提神,绿茶还防癌。茶文化历史悠久,我们要把它传承下去。home,we have to pass it on.

chinese tea 的英文文章,介绍中国的茶文化!急!

茶来自中国,中国人种茶饮茶已有4000多年的历史了。说到茶的种类,种类真是多啊,特别是龙井茶享誉世界。喝茶用的茶杯,茶壶一般是用陶瓷做的。喝茶可以在很多地方喝,像餐馆、家里、上班休息的时候。但在茶馆喝是最有意境的。喝茶还有很多好处,像有利于健康,醒脑提神,绿茶还防癌。茶文化历史悠久,我们要把它传承下去。Tea from China, Chinese tea drinking tea has 4000 years of history. When it comes to the types of tea, is really more species, especially longjing tea is famous in the world. Cup of tea, tea POTS are usually made of ceramic. Tea can be drunk in many places, such as restaurants, home, work and rest. But in the teahouse to drink is one of the most artistic conception. Tea has many benefits, like healthy, refreshing refreshing, green tea is also a preventive against cancer. Tea culture has a long history, we have to pass it on.


drink some tea and make yourself in good health.


Tea can be heat-clearing and detoxifying,we should get into the habit of drinking tea. 茶可以清热解毒,对肠道有很大的好处,可以帮助消化,多喝茶也可以提神,白天不瞌睡,对身体有很大的好处,我们要养成喝茶的习惯。(原创采纳喔。)
