Effect of Complex Coordinating Tea Polysaccharide with Cerium on Degradation of Plasmid DNA and Orga

2021-02-24 17:14:46热度:189°C

The results from our previous works proved that complexes coordinating alginic polysaccharides with cerium have remarkable degradation effect for plasmid DNA and the tea polysaccharide (TPS). The recent works show that both TPS and its coordinating cerium (Ce-TPS) can crack plasmid DNA and degrade chlorovrifos at oH 7.0 and 37℃.

完成机构:[1]DepartmentofFoodScienceandEngineering,OceanUniversityofChina,Qingdao266003,China [2]KeyLaboratoryofTeaBiochemistryandBiotechnology,MinistryofAgriculture,Hefei230036,China

