Studies on Rheological Properties of Konjac-tea Drink

2021-02-23 12:29:47热度:169°C

Konjac black tea (sugar-free) and konjac glucomannan (KGM) solution were studied by using rheometer, refractometer etc. The relationship between their rheological properties and temperature or concentration was discussed in detail. The results showed that viscosity was significantly affected by temperature and concentration; and pH stability of Konjac-tea was related to the molecular property of KGM.

完成机构:[1]KeyLaboratoryofPhotosynthesisandEnvironmentalMolecularPhysiologyInstituteofBotany,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Beijing,100093,PRC [2]CollegeofFoodScience,FujianAgricultureandForestryUniversity,Fuzhou350002,PRC

