The unsaponifiable matters of seed oil of Camellia sinensis L.have inhibitory effect against tumor promotion.Throughout the period of seed development,the content of oil and unsaponifiable matters were measured.The unsaponifiable matters of this oil were separated by flash chromatography into four fractions:less polar compounds,triterpene alcohols,4-methylsterols and sterols.Thin-layer chromatography on silver nitrate impregnated silica gel were used to separate triterpene acetates and steryl acetates.The β-amyrin acetates,germanicol acetate,taraxerol acetate,lupeol acetate and dammaradienyl acetate,△^7-stigmastenyl acetate and α-spinasteryl acetate were isolated and identified.α-Amyrin acetate,Φ-taraxasteryl acetate,butyrospermol acetate,tirucalla-7,24-dienyl acetate and △^7-Avenasteryl acetate were identified.
完成机构:[1]DepartmentofChemistry,BeijingNormalUniversity,Beijing100875 [2]DepartmentofBiochemistry,JiangxiJi′anNor